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Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit A-I-13956 Show to-do parent name on My work homepage.

Default to List View on My Work Tab

I'd like the option of defaulting the My Work tab to the list view rather than the per-release view. I've got folks who are confused about which releases and features they own or in charge of and when they go to the My Work tab they are only seeing by default those for one particular product. I am telling them to switch over to the List view on My work and it will show them everything they are assigned to. Then they ask why My Work doesn't just show them the whole list of those they are assigned to to begin with instead of having to hit the List tab. I thought that was a good question and wanted to offer it as an idea to at least have it be an option to default to the list view for My Work

  • Guest
    Nov 6, 2015

    I think that is a great solution. Thanks for the update

    Sent on the run

  • Ron Yang
    Nov 6, 2015

    We've heard feedback from both sides that some users like the Summary view, while others like the List view.

    What we ended up deciding here was to "remember" the view that the user last clicked on, to accommodate with both preferences.

    At this time, we're unlikely to make changes in this area as it isn't a high priority, but we're hoping that this functionality will help the team. I hope you can understand.