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Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-1646 Configurable Business Model Page.

Ability to add multiple 'Challenges' & 'Solutions' in the Business Model

With the newly introduced Business model, it would be ideal to have the ability to add multiple challenges and/or Solutions to the column view.  Currently you can only have 1 options in column 1, 2 in column 2 etc.


The reason being we often have multiple challenges/issues with our client, and there could be 1 solution that solves these multiple challenges.  Another regular scenario is that we have 1 issue/challenge and there could be multiple solutions and we want to present all of these to the client for them to select from based on: risk, integrations, cost etc.


Currently the new 'Business Model' will not work for us or what we need to deliver and we have an immediate need for this please.


Thanks heaps
