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Status Future consideration
Categories Integrations Wanted
Created by Guest
Created on May 10, 2019

Integrate Aha! with Planview

As a sw product manager in a 7.000 FTE company its highly important to be able to integrate between the two systems. The organization is about to start using Planview as our portfolio managment tool wheras our SW department have been using aha for a year now, its not an option to use two systems so we will likely be forced to move into Planview if there is integration avaialble

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  • Eric Hutchins
    Jan 19, 2023

    As an Operations Manger in Product Strategy, we partner with our IT PMO to plan, execute and monitor product releases. As they are using Planview PPM Pro to track their initiatives, having an integration with Aha! for Product Strategy would streamline information as well as maintain consistency across our reporting tools.

  • Guest
    Sep 30, 2020

    Very useful functionality. Store and maintain once

  • Chris Brooks
    Jan 10, 2020

    We use JIRA, TFS et al for development but our 'book of record' for Time is Planview and we are having to use naming standards to 'match' data structures. Integration with Planview will change the game.

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