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Status Future consideration
Categories Presentations
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 24, 2019
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-3026 Provide Presentation Analytic Metrics on Engagement Levels.

Enable reporting on who viewed a presentation and when

In publishing presentations, we assume the presentations contain important information that internal and/or external stakeholders need and look at with some frequency.

I want to make sure that the information I am communicating is being consumed. There are other tools we have used in the past (, Google Docs to some degree) that gives us data to ensure that the content we are publishing is the right content. We want to close that feedback loop.

Aha becomes much stickier at our company when all internal stakeholders and our customers need and depend on the product to get the information they need. This feature will help us confirm that is the case and build that dependency.

As a product manager publishing a presentation, I want to know who is accessing the presentations when so that I can ensure I am putting the relevant content into the presentations I create.