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Created by Guest
Created on Feb 13, 2019
Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-5158 Rerank feature board by any feature attribute.

Feature Board - Sort based on Custom Field (or a bulk reordering option) instead of Aha rank Merged

We integrate with TFS and the entire backlog is prioritized there.  However, the Features Board in Aha uses 'rank' (which is set based on where the card is on the Board) and cannot be quickly changed when you have 20-60 cards in a release at any given time.

I spend hours re-ordering the cards and I'm sure your team can come up with an easier way than 'drag and drop' the cards on the Board.

I could pull in Backlog Priority from TFS, if I had an option to rank the Features Board based on that Custom Field.  That would alleviate the need for me to continually re-rank the cards on the Board manually.  Alternatively, I would be happy to re-rank using another method (if one is available) - preferably in bulk.

We publish several Notebooks to the Organization/Stakeholders and the intent is the top Card on the Board is the top priority. 

I look forward to a solution from your Amazing team