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Status Future consideration
Categories Sprints
Created by samir karandikar
Created on Oct 5, 2020

Capacity by Sprint

Capacity for teams is currently available to set up at a daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly.

It would be helpful for teams that are planning sprints, to be able to set a capacity for each item (Theme/epic/feature) per sprint.

Once this is done, teams can plan how much capacity they have dedicated to working on a specific item in that given sprint.

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    • Mousa Mitwasi
      Apr 13, 2021

      I would like to expand on this idea to say that Aha should provide the ability to assign capacity differently from one period to another and not assume fixed capacity teams (capacity can change). In the current functionality, you can defined a fixed capacity, but if at a minimum expand that to allow adjustment/assignment of capacity by week, month, or quarter it would be helpful.

      In relation to delivery Sprints and Program Increments (not necessary equal to Aha market releases), one way to solve for that is to allow for assigning capacity by a variable number of weeks starting from a date chosen by the user. That is, you can say, I want to assign capacity every 2 weeks or 10 weeks and start the calendar on the following date. This will solve for Sprint and PIs since most of them have a standard length. One way to accommodate this need is to allow for defining of capacity scenarios (just like you do it for specifying demand on a team from Initiatives or Features).

    • samir karandikar
      Oct 9, 2020

      Not necessarily, multiple sprints or iterations could be a single release. example: some of our teams have 2 week sprints and their release cycle is monthly.

    • Admin
      Nathaniel Collum
      Oct 6, 2020

      Thanks for sharing this idea! Are you imagining that sprints would be releases in Aha!?