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Created by Justin Woods
Created on May 15, 2020

Enable release records to have a bottom section for custom fields

Being able to group custom fields for features and other objects into a top section and bottom section in the detail drawer is really useful in capturing the necessary information but keeping the interface clean. Can this be added to release records (and any others that were missed too?) Thanks!

    Sep 30, 2020

    Thanks for the idea!

    Drawers and details page design has been improved to make it easier to find and manage your information. All of your fields are now managed in your Overview tab, which you can manage from your custom layout.

    You can access your custom layout from account settings > Custom layouts or directly from a record. Click on a record's [...] menu and select Create/Edit custom layout. You can re-order, set visibility, and remove fields, as well as re-order your tabs.

    Learn more

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  • Justin Woods
    May 19, 2020

    Thank you product team! We appreciate you.

  • Admin
    Julie Price
    May 19, 2020

    Thanks, Justin!

    This is super helpful and makes a lot of sense. We will consider this as part of a larger initiative we are working on now.

  • Justin Woods
    May 17, 2020

    Thanks, Julie!

    Certain records support putting custom fields in a top and bottom section in Aha! and others do not. This inconsistency between record behaviours increases configuration complexity because people need to remember the different nuances of how the records behave.

    The top section allows important custom field information to be positioned along with the standard Aha! fields. A bottom custom fields section allows other custom fields to be used which are either optional or where data needs to be captured but doesn't need to clutter the top section of the record.

    For Release records this might include custom fields around approval notes, RAID logs, Go To Market information, support notes etc.

    Thanks for your consideration.

  • Admin
    Julie Price
    May 15, 2020

    Thanks for the idea, Justin!

    Curious, can you please share a little more context around your use case for the release detail view? This will help us to better understand the use case around using top and bottom sections in general.


Improved customisation of Releases layouts - Top and Bottom sections

The layout customisation for Releases differs from that for features in that it does not have the "top section" and "bottom section" options. I have some custom fields set up on my releases which end up appearing in the top section when i'd really...
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