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Allow capacity report to be configured using story points

We are a mature Agile team that uses story points exclusively to estimate the work done in each sprint.

The new capacity report feature rollout is excellent, but it does not allow for story points to be used as the method of estimation for a sprint's scheduled features. As we do not wish to revert to using time/days for estimation, we cannot make use of the capacity report.

Being able to track each sprint's capacity using story points to track individual capacity would be a helpful addition to our use of Aha!.

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    • Debbie Levitt
      Jun 24, 2021

      High priority for me. You can't say you have capacity reports for individuals and teams but only if you're willing to measure time in days. Thank you.

    • Laura Owusu-Antwi
      Apr 28, 2021

      As an Agile team, not having the ability to look at this report in Story points unfortunately makes it something we can not use. This would be a hugely valuable report if it could align with how we use Aha with capacity and points today, as well as our Agile methods and connection with JIRA.

    • Danny Grigsby
      Dec 8, 2020

      We also would really like the story point capacity planning enabled for individuals.

    • Kim Heuer
      Sep 3, 2020

      We were so excited to leverage the NEW capacity planning tools and did so at the Initiative and Epic Level figuring we could survive with the time based approach while we eagerly wait for the Points based approach. We soon realized that it was all or nothing. We had to disable points on all our features and releases too. We are enjoying the portfolio level capacity planning capabilities but I am afraid we will soon have to delete it all if the point based approach is not introduced. The teams are struggling having lost the points based approach for planning and executing releases.

      I am happy to collaborate on a design approach to keep this simple.

    • Guest
      Aug 10, 2020

      The ability to use story point estimates and sprint team velocities would be great, at the moment we do this in spreadsheets and it's annoying to see this feature get developed to this stage and still not let you use story points.

    • Heath McCarthy
      Aug 9, 2020

      I was surprised that this would not already be here. I will also post a suggestion that Points based capacity planning also integrate with (in our case) Azure DevOps. All of our Features and Master Features (Epics) in Aha are calculated based on work delivered as requirements (ie. PBIs in ADO). Points tell us what the team is doing (velocity) helps us plan given their capacity and allows us to predict when Epics and Features can be slotted since they (in Aha and ADO) are estimated by PMs.

    • Manny Ju
      Jun 26, 2020

      Glad to see that this Idea has a lot of votes. I'm encouraging every Aha! user I know to up-vote as well.

    • Andrew Forkes
      May 6, 2020

      Allowing the duration of a 'sprint' will also be needed, as they may not align at month/week boundaries.

    • Nick Watts
      May 6, 2020

      We can't really use the capacity planning until we have points and sprints in there. This would open up some great opportunities to make use of all your hard work!

    • Guest
      Apr 2, 2020

      i concur - we use story points and velocity to estimate effort and capacity

    • Souriya Sengphet
      Jan 11, 2020

      Definitely need this, we run on Story Points as time has proven horribly inaccurate when it comes to estimations.

    • Anthony Musillami
      Dec 4, 2019

      Agreed! Who uses time anymore anyways :p. I would love to see a survey of the number of orgs using AHA who use time vs those who use points. My gut tells me more are using points since the agile explosion. 

    • Guest
      Nov 20, 2019

      Completely agree with this, we also exclusively use story points and can't use this capacity plan. Our team has to resort to a terrible Excel Spreadsheeted version with constantly out-dated info

    • Shri Iyer
      Nov 18, 2019

      Having a capacity report based on story points would be blissful. Please get this out soon.

    • +2
    9 MERGED

    Create capacity reports with story points instead of time

    As a product manager, I want to use story points for capacity planning so I can utilise scenario planning and visualise my team's capacity without having to change the time tracking methodology to time in Jira.
    Philip H over 4 years ago in Reports 0 Shipped