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Status Future consideration
Categories Releases
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 26, 2019

Ability to move Release Phases from one Release to another

If I need to move a Release Phase & all it's To-Dos/Features into another Release instead, I have to recreate everything. Would be nice to just drag & drop the Phase into another Release in the Gantt view. 

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  • Jamie Lefkovics
    Sep 27, 2021

    Every day I am voting for another idea in the queue.... this one is no exception. why can't we drag a release phase to a different release? Would be great to have :)

  • Jay Jeyaindran
    Feb 23, 2021

    This is important as releases get split or phased out. It would be nice to move phase w/o having to redo all the work and loose content within. All my PM's would appreciate this feature.

  • Jess Cook
    Jan 27, 2020

    I definitely need this, particularly to get my project managers on board. If I tell them they have to recreate things when project phases are delayed, they're immediately anti-tool

  • +1

Drag release phase from one release to another release

If I have created a release phase in one release, it'd be super helpful to be able to drag that phase down into another release if dates need to shift.
Jake Spirek over 7 years ago in Releases 1 Future consideration

Allow a phase to be moved from one release to another

If I have a release, that starts out a higher level, then gets broken into smaller phases at a later time, (or if a release simply gets too large), I can create another release and move the phases between the two.
Guest over 9 years ago in Releases 3 Future consideration