In my scenario, there are times that a feature is in a given status, and as a result, I would want that feature to move to a different release. For example, If I abandon a feature, I want it removed from a release and put into a parking lot where I keep abandoned cards.
Another scenario is that based on the team working on a feature, it would move into a release.
Yet another is when a feature is of a certain type, I want it to move into a specific release. For example, I have a release for our mobile app. When creating or updating the type, I want that card to be reflected in the release specific to mobility.
Plenty of scenarios fit, moving an item into or out of a release based on triggers would seem helpful.
"Release" is already a trigger, creating a complementary Action seems logical.
We would find this very useful as well. We keep our stories that are being worked on in various parking lots as they move through our process and it would be great if they would move themselves.