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Share your product feedback

"Share" option (at least) for Features and Ideas

It would be way helpful if I could send a Feature or Idea with a typical "share" function to some colleague. Let it be for notification / awareness, or maybe asking a question, asking for comments/feedback, or asking for review of content, before making something public or promoting it to another system.

Of course I can copy the object URL and paste it into my own email, but sometimes it would be easier, and related to today's typical application user experience more "natural", if would be a "share" function with a click on a button.

  • Attach files
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    • Admin
      Chrissi McNamara
      Jan 26, 2022

      Thank you for the additional insight! We will continue to monitor feedback on this idea.

    • Christian Hartmann
      Jan 26, 2022

      @Chrissi Bernardo,

      no, that's even worse than copying the URL of the Aha object. That way I create a new file, have to attach a file to an email, have to delete the file later to cleanup my disk, and the recipient still has no reference to the object in Aha, and thus, can't go there and eg. edit the description or leave a comment.

      No, I was thinking about a typical "share" feature as you know it from your mobile phone. Like

      • a button to share / send to email, which would

      • trigger my default email program to pop up

      • with a "new email" window

      • subject prefilled with eg. "Aha - Feature - <obj id> - <obj title>"

      • body prefilled with "<link to Aha object>"

      • so I would just have to add recipient and some additional text in the body.

      alternatively to driving this through "my" local email program, that could also be run through an Aha email service, if you would

      • automatically set the sender email address to me (the email address of the Aha user clicking on that button)

      • automatically send a BCC to me (the email address of the Aha user clicking on that button)

    • Admin
      Chrissi McNamara
      Jan 25, 2022

      Hi there. Today you can share a record as a PDF or image or add it to a presentation by clicking on the Share icon on the record view.

      Does this align with what you are looking for?