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Status Future consideration
Categories Empathy sessions
Created by Andy Shaffer
Created on Oct 26, 2021

Import transcribed audio recordings into empathy sessions

Part of our research ops process includes live, in-person, sessions with single and multiple users which we record and have transcribed. However, bringing those conversations into an Aha! Empathy Session is a BIG pain in that we have to copy/paste each volley of the conversation into a session, one at a time :/ This is hugely time-consuming since most of our recordings are between 30min to 2hrs long. It would be fantastic if there were a way to import CSV transcripts into Aha! Empathy Sessions.

  • Attach files
  • Martin W
    Jul 8, 2024

    Maybe it is worth being able to integrate with a video chat application (e.g. Microsoft Teams, ZOOM etc) to enable the empathy sessions to include video/audio recording into the Empathy Sessions themselves (as part of the record of the session). The current functionality is quite limited if you are running Teams calls and Empathy Sessions at the same time and this negates the value of the Aha! solution

  • Admin
    Kelly Sebes
    Nov 1, 2021

    That makes a lot of sense - thanks for the quick response! We will keep your use case in mind as we plan future enhancements.

  • Andy Shaffer
    Nov 1, 2021

    We love how empathy sessions work in Aha! But in order to use Aha! as our single repository for user research, we have to manually copy/past in-person sessions that we conduct. With most of our research intake sessions lasting 1-2hrs, this can get quite cumbersome. We are manually entering in these conversations because of the escalation tools that Aha! offers. Where we can isolate an idea from an empathy session, vote on it, and prioritize it to a road map, and eventually escalate the feature request to production through integration with JIRA.

  • Admin
    Kelly Sebes
    Nov 1, 2021

    Thank you for reaching out! Could you tell us more about your use case for bringing transcripts of live conversations into empathy sessions? For example, what do you do with the empathy sessions once they contain the transcript?