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review updates to strategy

When working with the Strategy components or Product overview, I often want to make tentative adjustments to critical bits but am afraid either somebody will notice and be confused or unhappy, or nobody will notice. With a distributed team focused...
Guest over 10 years ago in Strategy 1 Already exists

Sync release milestone to a Calendar

I want to be able to see my milestones on my calendar, and I want the calendar entry to be synchronized with my release timeline. If I change it in either place, I only have to do it one time.
Guest over 10 years ago in Releases 0 Unlikely to implement

Feature card drag and drop on Details board

When creating and editing features, the Details board is often the most useful view. The one thing I can't do here is drag feature cards to set their relative priority. We aren't using Score consistently enough to be able to Order by Score.
Guest over 10 years ago in Features 4 Already exists

Be able to go to 'Next Idea' when working through a list

A little like Zendesk lets you play through the workload ticket by ticket.
Guest over 10 years ago in Ideas 1 Unlikely to implement

Integrate with Cucumber Pro

No description provided
Guest over 10 years ago in Wanted 1 Unlikely to implement

When changing dates for releases (or master releases), automatically change dates for the phases and milestones

Once you have the phases/milestones set, if you only use the slider to move the master release around, all of the phases and milestones will move around with it automatically. However, if you change the date manually (clicking on the internal date...
Chris Waters over 10 years ago in  1 Will not implement

Create and add another feature

When I'm writing down a number of features in a row I wish I could create one feature after another, staying in the feature creation dialog without having to go to the feature detail page in between.
Guest almost 11 years ago in  2 Already exists

Update share as webpage tooltip copy

What is the challenge? Shared webpages provide a way for non-Aha! users to view product information. But if someone doesn't understand how they work they may accidentally share a view that they shouldn't. Describe your idea Update the tooltip help...
Austin Merritt 13 days ago in Roadmaps 0 Likely to implement

Show me when the records on the related tab are included in prioritization views

I wish on the Related tab it showed me the prioritization views it was part of. This would help me quickly find out a record’s priority on our planned roadmap.
Nathaniel Collum 20 days ago in Features 0 Future consideration

[Aha! Develop] When an assigned feature is removed from an active sprint, automatically unassign it

We need an automation where if record is assigned and in a sprint AND it’s moved to the backlog, unassign it
Nathaniel Collum about 1 month ago in Features 0 Future consideration