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idea title search doesn't work on public portals when creating new ideas unless you log in

idea title search doesn't work on public portals when creating new ideas unless you log in. users can create new ideas w/out logging in creating duplicates.
Laura Giles almost 6 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Already exists

Reviewers should be able to make an idea visible in the portal

The idea is to update the permissions in the application and allow users with a "Reviewer" designation the ability to set an idea visible in the idea portal. This will allow a BA/PA the ability to review an idea and allow it to be seen on the idea...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement

Strategy model for matrix structure

When the company has matrix responsibility e.g. Segment and Clusters there is a need to build Strategy model from e.g. segment point of view for all countries and then to present it (the same data) from point of view country every segment. As a st...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Strategy 0 Will not implement

Ability to Upload via CSV for Product Lines

I don't understand why we can do this at the Product level but not Product Line. We have Strategy, Persona, and Competitor Templates that exist outside the system & this is a major barrier for getting that information in. Having to manually ad...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Application 0 Already exists

Create Download Capability for "Configure Products" Screen

When discussing updating or managing product structures with data owners it would be helpful to be able to provide a downloaded view of the product structure for data owners to review and update within Excel or another tool (similar to the downloa...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Streamlined way to associate features to project phases

Would love a more streamlined way to associate features to project phases. Maybe some sort of drag and drop functionality.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Default Description for Strategic Imperatives (ie Initiatives)

We have a set template we use for our initiatives so would be sweet to have this pre-filled to help with training and ensuring the values get set.
Barnett Klane almost 6 years ago in Strategy 0 Will not implement

A way to execute saved queries, or use a query language (such as the filter options in the web UI) with REST

This would allow users of the integration to narrow down the scope of items being retrieved to improve performance and create less unnecessary traffic on the Aha! repository.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Integrations 0 Unlikely to implement

Functionality to submit time tracking events for users other than the currently logged in user using REST.

This would allow a user with sufficient permission that is running the integration to submit values on behalf of other users.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Integrations 0 Unlikely to implement

A way to retrieve the list of workflow states for an item type, and which transitions are allowed between states using REST.

This would allow an integration to map state transitions between systems and to know what the allowed next statuses for an item are.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Integrations 1 Already exists