Disable auto To-Do assignments when applying a release template.
Disable auto To-Do assignments when applying a release template. As the Aha admin for a large group of products I design and apply release templates to various release. These release templates require updating to comply with evolving corporate pol...
Frank Fuchs
about 4 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Roadmap View - De-selecting Existing Features in Parking Lot
Aha’s Roadmap provides an excellent way to view features / masterfeatures with timelines. However, when bringing existing features into view (navigation tab on the right, go to “Use Existing”, “Feature”, and then select), there is no easy way to t...
about 4 years ago
in Roadmaps
Already exists
Enable the ability to add multiple personas to an Idea
I have added a Persona Custom field into my idea. The persona's are inherited from a workspace line. As this is inlcudes a number of workspaces and line when typing the results I get many results when selecting the custom field. When I add a singl...
Andrew Brooks
about 4 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
In User Stories --> Details view
Order by Status does not sort in the correct order for example, the status is ordered by :
When Sorted.
User Stories --> List does sort by the correct order on St...
over 8 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Allow creation of new entries in Many to One custom table
I want to build some automation and routing of ideas based on the category, but if someone accidentally selects more than one category, it would break things. It would be nice if I had an option to allow multiple categories, or restrict it to one ...
about 4 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Default Assignee for Requirement to-do default to blank
Right now, I create a lot of to-do items, and they shouldn't be assigned to me, they need to be blank. Every time I create one, I save it, which automatically assigns it to me. Then I have to open the to-do item back up, clear my name, then close ...
Presentation dates do not conform to international
I can tell that lots of work has been done in AHA! to make dates International friendly - thank you and well done! The format shown below for presentation dates has missed out on the good work for some reason. It starts with the export drop-down a...
over 8 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
When assigning an unassigned to-do to myself, there is no “assign to me” link. There is only an “Add assignee” link. Now I need to click on it, type my partial name and select. Why is there no “Assign to me” link? There is everywhere else in the p...
Frank Fuchs
about 4 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
We have enabled Product, Status and Release filters in feature list view and it’s observed that, the Release filter doesn’t refresh when we change the product. We are forced to do a refresh of the page. It would be great if the options in the rele...