Ability to pass relation link between features into VSTS
When an item is too big for a single feature and has to be broken up it would be great to be able to have the relationship link in AHA pass the same relationship when integrated with VSTS so that the developers know that the User Story they are wo...
over 6 years ago
in Integrations
Future consideration
Limit Custom Fields Linked to Records Using Criteria
Ask : When creating a custom field related to a record (ex. Custom field showing all Epics from all other workspaces), I need a way to display only records that meet some criteria. Example of criteria would be: The records in a specific product li...
Mousa Mitwasi
over 4 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
Ability to add description in the reports and custom column header text along with the field in pivot report
We are creating a lot of report that creators full understand. However, while sharing those reports we need to conduct meetings/or separate communication to describe how to read this report. If there was a possiblity of show description to the rep...
over 6 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Add more functionality to Status "on hold" / "project complete"
I would like Aha to stop acting on a release if the status changes to "Project Complete" or "On hold / will not do". Today if I select on hold this has no influence on Overdue dates for example. Assigned people still get daily reminders - that doe...
over 6 years ago
in Releases
Will not implement
Abilty to create an automation rule to delete work items in Aha
There are times when we need to change the state of a work item to "removed" in AzDo. I would like to set an automation rule in Aha: if the state of a given Aha work item is "will not do", then delete the work item.
Alternative JSON format for changes property in Activity webhook
We are attempting to read changes to the Ideas record type using the Activity webhook.
Most of the information is straight forward, in an expected JSON format.
But for changes, the data comes through as an array of json objects, instead of p...
Erin Quick-Laughlin
about 2 years ago
in Integrations
Future consideration
Ability to apply updated field templates to an existing record
I'm a product manager and I've created many initiatives using my company's pre-defined custom template. The template included the initial estimate field and it has been measured in time. Our company changed the measure from time to story points, b...
Activity Log to monitor Exporting Reports/Presentations
As an admin, we are addressing security policies within our company. We would like to monitor activity logs for exporting reports/presentations. Logs should contain user, type of report (csv, excel, pdf, image), type of records (ideas, features, r...
Victoria Morrella
over 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Need time frames to be customizable at workspace level
I have a huge list of time frames at account level. I only need a few of these to be seen in my workspaces but cannot edit this without affecting other workspaces.
over 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Parent version mapped to 2 different releases - let user decide where to import
The same Jira version may be associated with releases from more than one Aha! workspace. This can happen when different products in Aha! are all being released together. When auto-import is enabled on the integrations and a new record is created i...
Mark Crowe
over 4 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration