Hide Features label in Feature Roadmap when no Feature is chosen
When you select no Features for display in the Features Roadmap, you are left with a Features Heading and an empty box. It would be great to have both of them disappear when you don't select any features.
Text change on GitHub Commit Hook installation instructions
Under GitHub Commit Hook, when installing the Installation instructions in point 1 refer to Webhooks & Services_ section (see first image) In my Github its just Webhooks (see second image) Suggestion change text from Webhooks & Services_ t...
The calendar is great to look ahead at releases and finding hotspot of delivery/shipping and impact to the customer base. To help with planning having specific metrics show up in the calendar item or at least a flyover box would helpful for decisi...
There was a recent change to the formatting of the backlog releases v. actual releases on the epic/feature boards. This is creating bad formatting for those of us using dark readers to help with eyesight/migraines. Please update the formatting so ...
As a Product Manager, I need to filter for ideas that have been promoted to master features so that I can better manage my backlog. I can currently filter for ideas promoted to feature and ideas promoted to initiative. It seems that a filter for p...
Integration developers need documentation for the fields in the notifications generated by a webhook event. There are multiple ID fields and other fields with similar names and non-intuitive functions. Developers are left to infer their purpose, a...
Doron Chosnek
over 3 years ago
in Integrations