What is the challenge? When I add tags to my record card using the 'customize record cards bug' model on the Aha Whiteboards feature, the tags do not appear on the record card displayed on my whiteboard. I do not see any tags even when I "size to ...
about 1 month ago
in Whiteboards
Already exists
What is the challenge? Information is on Jira What is the impact? Double work. Describe your idea Get either integration with Jira or expose an api so we can update from another system.
What is the challenge? 253 ideas listed din this backlog and I cannot search by keyword or filter What is the impact? i have to read 253 titles until I find what is relevant Describe your idea Ad a simple search field
What is the challenge? I cannot import CSV files for bulk uploads of To-do's What is the impact? This makes task creation longer and time consuming Describe your idea Please fix this
Geoffrey Melle
about 2 months ago
in To-dos
Already exists
Copy and paste objects from one whiteboard to another
What is the challenge? if i want to copy a whiteboard table filled with structured objects like notes and diagrams it is not possible to copy and paste that onto another whiteboard (example here is consolidating work between to domains) What is th...
Nicolai Andersen
about 2 months ago
in Whiteboards
Already exists
In Ideas portal, flexibility to provide conditional logic wherein dependency exists with an Epic/feature. We are using Ideas for leveraging Dependencies.
What is the challenge? Users create ideas, without there is a proper dependency What is the impact? Data discrepancies, because users omit to include dependencies to other records Describe your idea Allow conditional logic, to make mandatory depen...
Edgar Holguin
3 months ago
in Ideas
Already exists
When linking ideas to a Feature, show more than the link ID.
What is the challenge? I want to create my concepts in Documents in Aha! Because making them directly against a feature/capability reduces my ability to share and collaborate. But, when I do create in Documents and then link as a Research Concept,...
about 2 months ago
in Ideas research
Already exists
What is the challenge? searching for work allocated to your team currently not possible, only the assigned persons capacity team What is the impact? Means teams cannot easily create workflows or search boards for features where they have been allo...
What is the challenge? When I create a new idea, I change the assignee to me. But when the idea is created it ignores that selection and assigns the idea to the default person for that category. What is the impact? Raised blood pressure, waste of ...
Chris B
about 2 months ago
in Ideas
Already exists
What is the challenge? have to go through each idea that is similar to see total amount of votes What is the impact? time consuming Describe your idea I would appreciate if the total number of ideas votes showed when you have multiple ideas merged...
about 2 months ago
in Ideas
Already exists