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Allow "Original Estimate and "Logged Effort" to be used in Calculated Columns

In Roadmaps list, having the ability to do calculated columns is incredibly powerful. However, we recently noticed that there are two fields we want to use to create charts that are not available to use. These are Original Estimate and Logged Effo...
Jared Gummig about 3 years ago in Epic 1 Future consideration

Sync releases for Azure DevOps integration

Currently we cannot push work back from Azure to Aha correctly as the releases/Iterations do not sync which causes manual work to move a card to the correct Aha release once imported. Iterations can be nested in ADO, and when you try to send recor...
Ronnie Merkel over 4 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

Don't make user create a separate login for ideas portal

I already have a login for Aha. When I wanted to log an issue in the Big ideas portal, I had to create an account (for ideas). Why can't I log in with my existing software account?
Perri-Anne Sims over 6 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

AI Generative tool to automatically pull in underlying record detail

Love the new generative AI editor feature: Would be a great next step to start to be able to automatically pull in record detail into the prompts - e.g. go t...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Features 1 Future consideration

Add Comment to Bulk Edit

It would be helpful to be able to add the same comment to multiple ideas at once. I use this to record when I have sent a group of ideas to a group or have done the same update to multiple ideas.
Guest about 7 years ago in Ideas 9 Already exists

Universal spam folder and spam notifications

Ask: If SPAM is detected on an IDEA Portal, we would like the ability to; Create a Universal SPAM Folder that would show SPAM across all product idea portals, if detected, and or Run a report to see if SPAM has been identified. Send Spam notifi...
Mike Jacobson about 5 years ago in Ideas portal 3 Future consideration

Report on team members by team

When managing teams within the Capacity Planning for Teams feature, there needs to be an ability to quickly report on the list of team members within each team. It would also be very helpful for that list to be exportable. A common scenario is to ...
Mark Eaves over 4 years ago in Capacity planning / Reports 3 Future consideration

Allow promoting an Idea to a KR when KR options are released

Who would benefit? Customers who have incoming ideas that are in line with existing KRs and their related objectives. Customers who use the Idea portal as an incoming request portal for prioritization review. (Trimble does this) What impact would ...
Daniel Brosh 11 months ago in Ideas research 0 Likely to implement

Work Requests should ignore/remove archived workspaces

What is the challenge? Work requests that were assigned to a workspace, that has later been archived before a workspace owner could respond, cannot currently be closed. These work requests will show a "[Hidden project]" in the Pending response. Wh...
David I. 4 months ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Use a Single Meta/Data Worksheet to Generate Multiple Report Types and Add Directly to Panels Without Pre-Saving

What is the challenge? The current process of creating and managing multiple reports can lead to overcrowded workflows and inefficiencies when building a unified dashboard. Users face difficulties in seamlessly generating multiple reports and orga...
Basak B Klumph 4 months ago in Features 0 Future consideration