The functionality of a value in a custom field pick list is such that one cannot delete the value as it is "in Use". This same behavior should be extended to Custom fields and custom tables. The functionality should show "In Use" and when on click...
Victoria Morrella
over 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Provide a full backup option that includes attachments, integration configuration or record links, saves view configuration, presentations and User passwords.
Lou Giambalvo
over 4 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
Hi, As an enterprise planning product owner, I would like the ability to reorder the system default/required fields, so that release could be moved lower in the list after custom fields, so that the user experience is logical and allows them to en...
over 1 year ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Currently, when viewing unranked ideas and clicking the "move x records" button, ideas are automatically ranked last even if they have a product value higher than the lowest-ranked idea. Ideally, the system would consider product value and then pl...
over 1 year ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Ability to collapase the header region in Features Workflow Board
In the Features - Workflow Board, when the filters are more, the sub title, the title of the page, the filters all take up a lot of space, blocking the view to see the features lined up below. If a toggle switch can be provided to hide the heading...
about 3 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Currently in the Hierarchy view I am able to see Goals, Initiatives, Master features and Features. Added to that, I would like to see Ideas as well so that I can identify if we have enough new features in the pipeline, and ensure ideas are focused...
Allowing the ability to modify the status of a feature from Slack can be very useful when discussing features with DEV and Product teams to quickly update the move a feature from one status to another
Chris Stocker
over 6 years ago
in Slack
Future consideration
Do not automatically assign work to a sprint when moved to "in progress"
When I am in either Roadmaps or Develop Teams and I am in a requirement card, at times I want to make the status of that card to be "in progress". I created custom status that is mapped to the standard marketing status workflow. When I change my s...
As a power user of tasks and the to-do view who uses dates to sort by priority, I would like to be able to change the due date by interacting with the date badge so that i can avoid the multile clicks and visual scrolling to find the date field an...
Richard Price
over 1 year ago
in To-dos
Future consideration