In addition to user roles for permissions within Aha, it would be great if each user could also have a role within the organization of the workspace lists/workspaces. For example, our initiatives each of a senior leader. If we add a custom user fi...
over 3 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Update of the UI of Settings -> Integration Updates
When navigating to the Settings -> Integration Updates, users sometimes find confusion on this being a notification to take an action item and accidently import various records. I propose the UI be changed so the users do not think they have to...
Russell Glenn
over 3 years ago
in Integrations
Future consideration
Ability to display "Idea reference" within Idea Portals
Customers would like the ability to display "Idea reference" within the Idea Portals home page lists (recent, trending, popular), which would be used as a unique identifier when scrolling the list.
Michael F
over 4 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
When promoting multiple ideas to a single artifact, aggregate fields that allow for multiple values
Who would benefit? Everyone using both Ideas and Roadmaps. What impact would it make? It would reduce manual updates of possible lost data. How should it work? If multiple ideas are promoted to the same artifact (a feature, for instance), fields i...
11 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Allow for exclusion of weekends/holidays in datediff calc
Who would benefit? anyone currently needing to do this calc in xls What impact would it make? all of my data is in Aha but I have to export it monthly to do this calculation because xls can do it and Aha can't. it would be nice to be able to do th...
Crystal Stone
11 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Add option to transfer work request name to resulting record
With this idea, it became possible to automatically add the description from the work request when accepting and promoting: It would be helpful to have the same option for the name of the resulting record. ...
Reilly O'Connor
over 1 year ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Select ascending/descending sort order in Now/Next/Later roadmap columns
Who would benefit? Users who use date ranges in their N/N/L roadmaps What impact would it make? Clarify sequencing of work within each column, informing viewers what is coming next How should it work? When cards are sorted by date in any of the co...
11 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Sync the change of parent link made in Aha! across 2 Azure DevOps integrations
Who would benefit? Customers with multiple integrations set up to ADO who are wanting to move features to different Epics as their plans change. What impact would it make? How should it work? The parent/child relationship should be tracked across ...
Want Customize List Report column name in API Response
Who would benefit? All users who are using List report API. What impact would it make? We will able to identify columns in API Response. How should it work? when we changed the Column name of list report , Currently that changed column name is not...
Integrate Master Features and related features to different JIRA projects
In this scenario, there is one Program product workspace in Aha! and one Program project in JIRA which contains Master Features per Agile Release Train. All Stories (Aha Features) and sub-tasks (Aha Requirements) are with one or many Agile Teams (...
about 5 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration