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Ability to see feature & release information for a merged idea

Who would benefit? Folks using/viewing reports What impact would it make? Ability to see the feature & release information for an idea that was merged into another idea that does have feature & release information How should it work? If Id...
Guest about 1 year ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Add a column with the date an idea had been changed to VISIBLE TO ALL

Who would benefit? It will help the management of the ideas. We now close our ideas if no votes had been done for 8 weeks. But before an idea is Visible to All it can take time (developers need to check if this is feasible). So we cannot start the...
Guest about 1 year ago in Ideas portal 3 Future consideration

Add end date to recurring to-dos

Who would benefit? anyone using recurring to-dos What impact would it make? small impact, but will reduce alerts and unnecessary admin How should it work? When setting a recurring to-do, I want to be able to set an optional end-date.
Nerissa Muijs about 1 year ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Allow customization of presentation url

As part of branding the presentation screen, it would be nice to have the ability to reflect its name / goal in the url. ie. {organization} Notebook/Product-Name
Ido Lanuel almost 7 years ago in Presentations 1 Unlikely to implement

Save Labels or create icons for testing (pass, fail, info, question

Currently, there is not an easy way to save testing indicators that we like to use to pass / fail our tests that are written in the aha comments. There is an option to create a label, but those cannot be saved and so need to be recreated each tick...
Guest over 2 years ago in Comments / Notifications 2 Future consideration

Add Roadmaps to Whiteboard as Shapes

I love the new ability to add a feature board to an Aha! whiteboard as shapes. I also love the ability to create roadmap shapes in the Whiteboard via a template. It would be even more powerful if I could import existing roadmap views (e.g. Strateg...
Brian Hemker over 1 year ago in Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

Allow changing assignee colors on Gantt charts

Currently the functionality exists to color the bars by assignee but those colors are designated by Aha and we cannot customize them. This would be helpful for organization and allow associations to be standard across reports to make decisions qui...
Dylan Kogut over 4 years ago in Releases 2 Future consideration

Add a throughput report to help Kanban teams with Service Level Estimates

What is the challenge? There currently is no way to calculate SLEs inside of Aha!. What is the impact? I have to export the data to a spreadsheet and then calculate it myself. Describe your idea Add a report that looks at team performance and calc...
Mike Lowery 7 months ago in Agile reports 0 Future consideration

Add automated capacity planning to sprints

What is the challenge? People are notoriously bad at estimating, points or hours are equally bad, and often people feel pressured into lower estimates, making the problem worse. What is the impact? Accurate sprint planning is hard to do and repeat...
Mike Lowery 7 months ago in Sprints 0 Future consideration

Add forecasting to roadmaps.

What is the challenge? Status reporting can often hide problems in delivery and we may not know if there are issue until it's too late. The date line and the % complete are ok, and you can see when something is "late", the challenge is "when might...
Mike Lowery 7 months ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration