My company & SLT desperately needs the new re-order capability at the Initiative Level. The ability to quickly drag & drop Inititatives across all products in the correct order & report on it would save so much time/money since we are ...
almost 5 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Provide sorting capability for custom fields (tags and Choice lists)
We have a large client list and when a feature has been requested by a client, we associate the client to the feature. With a long list of clients, being able to sort the Alphabetically (ascending/descending) would make choosing the Clients far ea...
Jerrold Emery
over 7 years ago
in Account settings
Already exists
Enable sorting records by a field not shown in the pivot table
We would like to order the epics in our roadmap by priority, thereby implying the order of priority, without having to include the number in the pivot table. It looks messy with the numbers included.
Kaitlyn Luboff
over 2 years ago
in Roadmaps
Already exists
Add Features of a previous Release to another Release
We're currently release in batches. We're having monthly releases that are delivered to our customers through our Marketplace. Every 3-6 Months we're having a cumulated release where all the features since the last cumulated release are included -...
Fabian Henzler
almost 10 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
In the features list I would like to be able to filter out "Parking lot" features
Currently it's hard to tell which features are in the parking lot and which are in "active" releases with dates. I tried using release dates but it's not very effective.
almost 10 years ago
in Features
Already exists
As a user, it can be confusing if I have multiple mock-ups on a field with only a date as the title. I end up clicking into the wrong one many times. I'd like to be able to Name my mock-up files.
almost 5 years ago
in Mockups
Already exists
Templatize Description Field / Sync Custom Fields to GitHub
Our devs ask that when we submit features that we provide them with a Who, What and a Why since it helps them with context. I created a custom template with those fields but they do not sync to GitHub. It would be cool to either allow users to cre...
over 7 years ago
in Features
Already exists
When submitting an Idea through the submission portal, a user sees the description of what should be entered into the box, and when the user selects the textbox, the description disappears (if the there is a lot of text, this could pose an issue f...
almost 10 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists