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Incident/issue report

What is the challenge? When incident happens with software system, like to prepare a report which then can be promoted to work item What is the impact? Describe your idea Template for incident report
Guest about 1 month ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Contacts to show all ideas associated

What is the challenge? When i search for a contact in Contacts, I cannot see ideas raised by this person What is the impact? cannot quickly view ideas raised by a particular customer Describe your idea When i search for a contact in Contacts, I ca...
Guest about 1 month ago in Ideas 0 Already exists

Milestone Dates: Could we introduce a feature that retains the original milestone date, but also displays an arrow and a new icon when the date is changed?

What is the challenge? if the milestone date has changed, our team wants to be able to see both the old and new date. What is the impact? unable to see the date change when a project gets delayed Describe your idea have an icon for the original da...
Guest about 1 month ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Support the Workspace Line field in calculated columns

What is the challenge? Currently users are not able to use the Workspace Line field in reporting calculation columns. What is the impact? Not able to build out formulas referencing data in this field Describe your idea Make Workspace Line eligible...
Stephanie Lechner 3 months ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Aha! users can subscribe to ideas which they are unable to watch.

What is the challenge? Aha users do not have the option to subscribe to an idea in the portal, to receive updates, they would add themselves as a watcher on an idea within Aha! However, sometimes Aha! users do not have access to a workspace so the...
Rahul Singhania 5 months ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Capacity report: aggregate assigned work percentage for people in multiple teams

Who would benefit? Organizations with team members in multiple teams What impact would it make? Better insight into total assigned work across teams to avoid over-allocation ** This applies specifically to the "Teams" tab of the capacity report. S...
Dale Potter 11 months ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Integration 2.0 for Gitlab

Gitlab is an important integration, but still not covered by the new 2.0 integrations
Fabio Brito about 5 years ago in Integrations 8 Future consideration

If you mention a user in a comment it should add them to the list of followers

What is the challenge? In order to drive more engagement and keep people up to date with feature requests that they are or should be interested in it's often required to add them as followers, if you mention someone in a comment it would make sens...
Guest 5 months ago in Comments / Notifications / Ideas 0 Future consideration

Allow for export of history search results.

Please enable the functionality of exporting history search results from the audit page to .csv or Excel.
Jerome D over 2 years ago in Features 2 Future consideration

Don't show the option to download videos in a shared KB

What is the challenge? Some customers with a private knowledge base do not want their users downloading videos. What is the impact? Allowing users to download content increases the likelihood that is shared with users who shouldn't have access to ...
Emily Yankush 8 months ago in Knowledge base 0 Future consideration