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Add timestamp to comments

Add time stamp to comments to give more understanding when comment was added.
Guest almost 8 years ago in Comments / Notifications 1 Will not implement

VSTS Requirement ToDo's

Can we get the VSTS Requirement To Do's transferring over as user story tasks?
Guest over 8 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 3 Will not implement

Provide a warning explaining consequences when changing the workflow used in a workspace

When a user moves to a new workflow in a workspace or team, there can be a loss of data related to the statuses like cycle time, time in status, etc. I would like to understand these consequences before making the change so I am not surprised with...
Max Robbins almost 2 years ago in Wanted 1 Will not implement

Tags should propagate bidirectionally into Pivotal Tracker

Much like status, it would be nice if tags on features would propagate instantly to stories in PT bidirectionally. We have historically used PT labels to organize aspects of our sprint. It would be nice to setup initial tags in Aha and have those ...
Jason Novek over 9 years ago in Pivotal Tracker 2 Will not implement

Option to hide select inherited personas at the product level

The desired use case to see supported is as follows: 1. Director of User Experience or Product Management creates (at the product line level) all possible personas for a product line.2. Each Product Owner then removes/hides (at the product level) ...
Matt Case about 8 years ago in Strategy 4 Will not implement

Can "Restored from Draft" on Feature Descriptions be turned off?

What is the challenge? This Enhancement can make it difficult and poor user experience when trying to create a new Feature, not from a Draft. It would be nice if this functionality could be disabled/enabled by the user. What is the impact? All use...
Guest 6 months ago in Features 0 Will not implement

Git commit messages separated from comments

Github integration messages in comments is great for smaller stories, but for anything non-trivial it becomes very easy to lose meaningful comments in the middle of a commit barrage. It would be very useful to have these either separated, or group...
Guest over 9 years ago in GitHub 1 Will not implement

Pivotal Tracker: Send releases to PT

We are currently using the and pivotal tracker integration to help seed our product roadmap into the engineering team's workflow. This has been great so far but the one biggest points of friction is trying to keep track of the features that...
Suzanne Vaughan over 10 years ago in Pivotal Tracker 4 Will not implement

Bookmarks/Favorites on My Work page

As a Product Manager, I would like to be able to "favorite" certain views/pages for quick access. My first thought was to surface my favorites on My Profile but for some reason it takes too long to load. The other alternative would be to surface t...
Tom Beck almost 8 years ago in Application 0 Will not implement

Allow access to Mockup tool for users with reviewer security

Mockup provides a powerful method for idea contributors to communicate their ideas. However the mockup tool is only available to users with contributor or greater permission. But contributor is too permissive, allowing user to create features, str...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Account settings 0 Will not implement