Be able to plot Epics across the pyramid of Innovation, Value/revenue creation, and Keeping the lights on as an alternative to the value/effort quad plot
While plotting Goals and Initiatives in the quad view of value/effort across high/low is useful, we'd also like to be able to plot or categorize Epics ( and maybe Goals) in the three-level pyramid of Innovation, Value and Keeping the Lights on.
Gordon Kent
almost 8 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
We have multiple products within the Aha. When I want to filter an idea Name, I am not able to get to my own product since the filter gives me ALL Workspace names. Can the filters also be trimmed by the other applied filters?
Sarah Cook
almost 2 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Allow more than one column of features under one epic
Users can easily create new columns in their user story map. If a user adds two columns but only has one epic parent then assume all features under and to the right are children of that epic. It could be pseudo coded such as something like (featur...
almost 4 years ago
in User story map
Future consideration
Adding Validity date range to user access / authorizations
We should be able to add validity date range while giving access/authorizations to users. Many users require Aha! access for a limited period of time. This is will help us to keep the user list clean over a period of time. This also helps us to ke...
Anand Chatterjee
almost 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Feature Support for Averaging Scores from Multiple Contributors
As a product owner, I would like the ability to elicit and average scores from multiple contributors, so that Aha! aligns more with my backlog grooming prioritization process.
Joseph Gehling
almost 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
This is really just for fun, but I personally like the ability to enable the "sketch" style under the editor in Confluence. I use it extensively as it makes the notes a little bit more fun to read. I noticed that the editor in Aha!...
JP Guyon
almost 4 years ago
in Mockups
Future consideration
Re-sizing roadmap images in Presentations persists to maintain ratio
My roadmaps tend to be taller and so I end up with a lot of wasted space to the right side of the canvas. I would like to be able to pull the roadmap window wider without the window becoming taller. I have the ratio box unchecked. Might be a defect.
almost 2 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Provide configuration for the email content sent to Empathy Session invitees. We can do some but not all. The default below the dates does not necessarily apply to each situation.
almost 2 years ago
in Empathy sessions
Future consideration
Translation possibility for the names of custom pages
While almost everything in the portal van be translated, including own data like statuses, the names of custom pages can't be translated. This means they are shown in the language of creation, while all other therms are translated
almost 2 years ago
in User management
Future consideration