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Ability to customize the body of Idea Portal notifications

We have a private portal where we allow all customers to share ideas, and we mask user names for confidentiality reasons. However the Comment notification email includes Commenter name in the body of the email and cannot be removed. Providing the ...
Wes Gillette over 7 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Shipped

Choose fields when reporting on Feature>Details

It would be great if when reporting on Feature>Details if you had the ability to toggle which fields were shown in the notebook view so you can hide key fields for external audiences.
Matt Daniels over 7 years ago in  1 Shipped

I need to be able to use the aha score at the requirement level

I have followed the proposed solution from . Please make the aha score metrics available from the requirement level to be able to make the proposed pivot when aha is setup ...
Guest over 7 years ago in Features 1 Shipped

Update + Existing Features behavior on Releases Overview to be consistent with other Options for adding Features to this view

There are a couple of different ways of adding features to the Releases -> Overview/Roadmap views. The different approach have different behavior and the behavior for one of the methods is quite disruptive to the schedule. The scenarios apply w...
Matt Case almost 8 years ago in Releases / Roadmaps 1 Shipped

Add a filter for Administrator roles in User Admin screen

Being able to filter by specific administrator role would make it easier to find users that have Account Admin access etc.
Wes Gillette almost 8 years ago in Account settings 0 Shipped

Archive old scenarios (Capacity Planning for Teams)

It would be helpful to archive and hide from filters and selections OLD scenarios.
Susie Boyer almost 4 years ago in Features 0 Shipped

Idea portal automations that can post Admin responses

After using the ideas portals for some time, we have found that ideas fit into general buckets. As part of this, there are certain requests that are outside the scope of our portal. As such, it would be incredibly helpful to be able to create an a...
Dan Green almost 4 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Shipped

Allow turning off email notifications for submit-only ideas portal

My manager doesn't want to confuse users by sending them email from a totally different email address that has our company name attached to it. With the submit-only portal, would it be possible to turn off emails? I realize that users wouldn't be ...
Guest almost 8 years ago in Ideas portal 2 Shipped

Initiatives to have a human readable "ticket number"

Features have a human readable "ticket number", which is <Project Name>-#, where # is incremented for each new one created. It would be helpful for Initiatives to as well, so that you can tell someone easily to go to an Initiative, you could...
Guest almost 8 years ago in Features 0 Shipped

Release Roadmap Start On & Due On not working well with JIRA

We're using custom fields "Start Date" and "Planned Done Date" on our JIRA epics extensively, and we sync JIRA epics with Aha features. And we've added "Start Date" and "Planned Done Date" as custom fields in Aha features. When we use the Releases...
Brian Carr almost 8 years ago in Jira 1 Shipped