Ability to identify a Release Phase as "Completed".
When I export and share the Release and Release Phase report or as I monitor the Release, it would be helpful if I can identify a Release Phase as "Complete".
about 7 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
When adding a Feature ID to cells in custom reporting, it shows up as the ID used in the URL instead of the custom feature ID. So instead of showing for example, PROJ-15, it will display 6470321591135687710
about 7 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
When visualizing feature and initiative dependencies or links it would be helpful to be able to filter by type. For example, to create a visual of only initiatives (not including features). This way you can share "big picture" (initiatives) depend...
As a product manager using the idea board with my clients and partners, I'd like to share the activity chart and feed that are shared with internal Aha users as an option on the public board so that users can stay informed on the activity and what...
about 7 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
more feature custom fields and ability to create groups or sections for feature fields
We track a lot of information for each feature. It would be helpful to have a Table field where we can track and report on information like:
Resource Type
Resource Name
Planned Start Date
Actual Start Date
Planned End Date
Actual End Date
Karen Wittenberg
about 7 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Our company is quite new to Aha. We really like the product but would like to make user provisioning and much easier. We use Active Directory for our employees like most all companies. I've looked and looked, but have only found integration throug...
about 7 years ago
in Integrations
Already exists
When you create a pivot report and put a predefined choice field as a row or column, it does not group results like it does for tags. This is annoying for several reasons.
1. Predefined choice fields force a single value while you can not do so w...
Ken Hinton
about 7 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Restrict Portal Users from Viewing and Voting on Specific Products
As a Product Owner/Contributor, I expect that my portal users will only provide feedback to products that they own. I do not expect them navigating to and viewing/voting on ideas on products/projects they are not associated with.
I have stakeholde...
In our organisation, sometimes a particular release of a product is in competition with a release for another product. It would be great if we could use Aha scoring to get business buy in for release priorities through the Aha scoring mechanism.
about 7 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
Currently, when you create a Feature Roadmap, selecting a Sub-Release of a Master Release does not cause said Sub-Release to appear on the roadmap. Ideally, they should appear, but at worst the choices should not appear in the Release selector.
about 7 years ago
in Reports
Already exists