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Burndown chart legend

As a PM, I need to have a legend on the Burndown/Progress Chart. I can't remember what the colors mean. And I have to have the link to the Help Page bookmarked on our Overview page to share with others.
Pamela Thomas over 4 years ago in Schedules 0 Future consideration

Global setting to turn off attachments

Our company works with sensitive data and we would like to globally shut off the ability to add attachments. In order to meet security requirements, we have quarterly auditing of attachments in addition to coaching users to insert an SSO protected...
Cindy Datlof over 4 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

new feature creation (copy an existing), like for releases

I like the possibility to copy existing releases, when I create a new release for another product. I can imagine, that it would help many AHA users, including me.
Tobias Michels over 4 years ago in Features 2 Future consideration

Allow two-way dependencies

It would be great if release phase dependencies could push and pull, so that the dates of the dependent release phase would be automatically pulled in if the preceding release phase finishes early. Right now, the dependencies only push out the dep...
Guest over 6 years ago in Dependencies / Releases 1 Future consideration

Create icons for work types

Thinking of the most popular work products or artifacts, create icons for My Work, My notes items. I couldn't find in search Meetings, Testing, Coding, Release, follow-up, pending, research. (You have calendar, help, question, bug, business case, ...
Robert B about 2 years ago in Notes 2 Future consideration

Track how many users are interacting with us via votes

We'd like an easy way to know if users in the portal are only interacting with us by voting. Right now when a user submits an idea they are counted as a vote. I don't have an easy way in the product to understand this.
Debra Hunter about 2 years ago in Voting 0 Future consideration

Right-clicking on a document should allow me to create a document directly inside/within that document

I.e. the hierarchy of notes should be creatable / more fluently from the right-click menu directly.
Guest about 2 years ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Documents of type "whiteboard" used as folders should have a different icon than the "notes" documents types used as folder

Whenever I create a new note and drag another note into it, it shows the same icon irregardless of the folder document type, so it's hard to determine the document type.
Guest about 2 years ago in Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

The demo documents shouldn't count against the 30 docs limit for the free account tier

I should be able to keep those demo notes as references and not have to choose whether I delete them or not to fully use my 30 documents limit.
Guest about 2 years ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Clicking a second time on the current date shouldn't blank out the document

Whenever I click on the current date, I get the main document for that date (i.e. in the demo documents), but if I click a second time on that same date, the space/document/note becomes blank.
Guest about 2 years ago in Application 0 Future consideration