We want both internal and external users to use the same single ideas portal. However, if internal employees are submitting ideas we would like to ask additional questions. Currently this would require two separate idea portals with 2 different fo...
over 3 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Navigate to Integrations Log from the Integration Updates window
When looking for further details around the integrations i.e. to see if a webhook has fired or whether there are any errors, you have to go to Settings -> Product -> Integration. It would be helpful if the option to "View Integration Log" wa...
over 6 years ago
in Integrations
Future consideration
Integrations 2.0 Import candidates notification should appear regardless of the selected product
As a product owner managing multiple products in Aha!, it is time consuming to have to switch between each product I manage in order to see if there are new import candidates. The notification should appear for me when there are import candidates ...
Todd Meyer
over 6 years ago
in Integrations
Future consideration
Ability to move several saved views into one folder at a time and ability to make several saved views view only would be extremely useful the more saved views that are created.
almost 5 years ago
Future consideration
Provide a public API (as part of the Aha! REST API) which can be authenticated against using an Ideas Portal SSO token (JWT) the same way as we do authentication for the web version of Ideas Portal. This means the API's logged in user would be an ...
Adam Burley
over 3 years ago
in Integrations
Future consideration
We would like to have the ability to generate a high level report that will automatically display all the changes that have happened on our Aha! Ideas portal since the last reporting period.
Currently, Aha! Ideas allows us and is pretty effective...
almost 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
tie workflow approvals to activities within a project/schedule
workflow approval does not apply across activities within a project — meaning you cannot bar someone from working on activity B until activity A is completed. In our current process, task A needs to happen before task B -Z. Right now, it seems lik...
almost 5 years ago
in Schedules
Future consideration
It would be helpful to have the option of an 'Add Feature' button within a list view. If only one epic is selected for the view, the Add Feature should automatically associate the new feature with that epic. If more than one epic is selected for t...
over 1 year ago
in Features
Future consideration