I would like the ability to consolidate support metrics within Aha, in order to obtain a holistic view of my product
Product managers can clearly communicate to the organizations the success/opportunities of a product launch. Furthermore, they can identify areas of opportunity for improvement with the product and incorporate into their roadmap.
over 8 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Ability to turn off notifications when adding new ideas portal users
I am adding users before the ideas portal is enabled but right now there is no way to turn off notifications when the users are created ... we should be able to have the option to turn off notifications or only send notifications when the portal i...
Michel Besner
over 8 years ago
in User management
Already exists
Sorted product list when moving initiatives to another product
The drop-down list of products when moving an initiative seems to be completely unsorted. At a minimum it should be alphabetical. Even better if it followed the same structure as the product hierarchy, including indentation. This would make it muc...
Tom Beck
over 8 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
When sorting columns, it would be nice to have the ability to rearrange the order of search by columns. In the attached snippet, I am sorting a report by Initiative rank first, then Initiative status, and then Product name. Now if I wanted to chan...
over 8 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
More control over idea submission form & its display to admin
The current idea submission process is messy, making it harder to adopt.
Below are 4 screenshots of the current process (#1), the problems it has (#2, #3), and the manual effort I have to do instead to make it clearer (#4).
I want to be able to ...
Allow customizing competitor scorecards at product line level
We have some product lines with many individual products and we track the competitors at the product line level. We would like to customize the scorecard used for competitors (cost being one metric we want to add). Currently Aha! only allows assig...
over 8 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists