Work requests are a great way for us to request work from multiple product teams that might play a role in our launches. There currently isn't a way to include work requests in automation rules. There are a couple use case we would need: 1) Abilit...
Mark Eaves
over 3 years ago
in Application
Create a way to create an Aha feature or idea from a Slack message shortcut. Similar to those shown in the attached file and on this page:
Weekly roadmapping emails - subscribing when roles are assigned at the product line level
A common issue that we have seen is that users would like to subscribe to weekly digest emails for their products and the checkbox is not available to do so. This occurs when your user role has been assigned at the product line level and is then i...
Ability to create a new initiative from the goal detail page
From the goal detail page, can we add an enhancement to have the ability to add a new initiative from this page similar to have the ability to add a new comment or to-do instead of toggling over to add a new initiative then roll up?
Marina Reyna
about 6 years ago
in Strategy
Allow an Aha! Develop team to have more than 1 active sprint
We have a single Develop team, but we would like to have separate active sprints (in parallel) for that team to work on two platforms (Android and iOS). The main reason behind having separate sprints for both platforms is having better visibility ...
It would be very handy to be able to paste images in line in feature descriptions, not just add attachments. Images often compliment the story at a given moment. Attachments are also cumbersome to what is otherwise a quick process.
We've set goals for our product line and each product team has separate goals that support the goals of the product line. In the strategy diagram, I'd like to show the goals for the product line and then the products and their goals that all suppo...
Hi, It would be useful to have a field that counted the unique email voter domains on an idea so I can quickly see when block voting is skewing popularity. I can achieve this via a customer report today, but I can't sort by it which means I need t...
Martin Feeney
about 4 years ago
in Voting