Need to be able to grant Capacity Planning Teams Configuration to a specific products
We are currently unable to grant Capacity Planning Teams Configuration to a specific product line without have the permission being inherited to all the children product lines/products
Enhance Notification to display Idea Identification in subject line
As a user I follow many Ideas and get updates about changes. All notification messages have the same subject line and have to be opened in order to understand about which Idea the message is about. Would it be possible to add the Idea Identificati...
Internal users should be able to create To-dos for Ideas and assign them to Ideas Portal users.
We need a more structured way to collaborate with submitters of Ideas from our customer (external) users. Currently we can only converse via Comments. We'd like to be able to assign To-dos to (private) portal users so that they can review and acce...
David Barber
almost 2 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Private comments should be visible to everyone in an Organization
We often collaborate with multiple stakeholders at our customer when building requirements for ideas. Currently, private comments are only visible to the creator of the idea and internal users. Other users at the same customer Organization lose vi...
David Barber
almost 2 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
We are tracking OKRs in our organization and we use Custom Roadmaps for a lot of our visuals. Currently the only way to sort Initiatives tied to the OKRs is by alphabetical order in Custom Roadmaps. Would like to see more options on the Custom Roa...
almost 2 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Make rest API for getting the list to-do that are not associated with any product
Need the rest API which gives list of to-dos that are not associated with any productThe scope of the to-do can be user level and global, means gives list of all to-do in the instance (doesn't matter who created , and assign to) which is not assoc...
almost 2 years ago
in API
Future consideration
Would be helpful to have the ability to report on URL type fields. I wanted to create a report that determined whether the URL field was filled out on a card, but was disappointed to find I could not do a simple boolean if statement on the URL fie...
Parmeet G
almost 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Role permission template that can be attached to users
It would be great to predefine a permission template and save it. Each time a user comes in, we dont have to select the permissions for the user to various workspaces but instead just attach the permission template. Will save a lot of time and avo...
Arun Kalyanaraman
almost 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration