Simplify arranging columns in list view - Reuse the UI control and pattern for drag-to-sort options in custom fields
It's tedious and error-prone to use the click and drag method of arranging the order of columns in a list view report. I'd like you to add a way to change the order of the columns by using the same control used for arranging the order of options s...
Jennifer Briden
about 3 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Ideas > Overview: Change copy for "Ideas recently promoted to features"
On the Ideas overview page, there is a section “Ideas recently promoted to features”. As it is possible to promote ideas to many different record types, I suggest that you should remove the words “…to features” and just leave “Ideas recently promo...
Dave Tucker
about 3 years ago
Future consideration
Keep notification's email subject consistent to allow email threads/conversations instead of single emails per change
As a user, I would have all the notifications email for specific ideas or releases in a single conversation/thread.
In Gmail, if I receive multiple emails with the same subject, they get grouped in a conversation/thread. To do this, I believe the ...
I would like to be notified when my records are in different states. For example, I would like to create a list view that shows Features that are not in the done status, but are past their due date. I would then like to be able to set up notificat...
Dale Crane
about 3 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
when doing things like assigning a feature to an epic, or viewing epics on any of the boards, it would be extremely useful to be able to filter out or separate out shipped epics (like is one with shipped releases)
about 5 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
When promoting multiple ideas to a single artifact, aggregate fields that allow for multiple values
Who would benefit? Everyone using both Ideas and Roadmaps. What impact would it make? It would reduce manual updates of possible lost data. How should it work? If multiple ideas are promoted to the same artifact (a feature, for instance), fields i...
about 1 year ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Allow for exclusion of weekends/holidays in datediff calc
Who would benefit? anyone currently needing to do this calc in xls What impact would it make? all of my data is in Aha but I have to export it monthly to do this calculation because xls can do it and Aha can't. it would be nice to be able to do th...
Crystal Stone
about 1 year ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Multiple Dependency Definitions appear in Gantt Chart Report
Today within the Gantt Chart view, the only Dependency Type that appears to be captured is "Dependent On" or "Dependency Of". This neglects other dependency types. All types should be included in this view
Josh Tambor
about 5 years ago
in Dependencies / Reports
Future consideration