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Time stamps for comments on new Ideas Portal layout

Who would benefit? Customers What impact would it make? Organizational How should it work? Just add a timestamp next to a comment along with the posted date. Just like how it is in the original Ideas Portal layout.
Vincent G about 1 year ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Archiving Aha! Data off the Database

Who would benefit? We would like to understand how we can archive data from our Aha Enterprise. Is there a way to archive data off the database? What impact would it make? We’ve collected years of data in Aha and are trying to understand how we ca...
Mike Jacobson about 1 year ago in Account settings 1 Future consideration

Manually sort chart series data

Sometimes we want to manually sort chart series data after we have seen the visualization. This helps us group results for our executive audience.
Nathaniel Collum about 3 years ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Bulk edit "custom table relationship" custom fields

Bulk edit is not currently available for "Aha! record relationships" custom fields, nor "custom table relationship" custom fields. Adding the ability, at least for "custom table relationship" custom fields will go a long way to increasing usabili...
Guest about 6 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Ability to see feature & release information for a merged idea

Who would benefit? Folks using/viewing reports What impact would it make? Ability to see the feature & release information for an idea that was merged into another idea that does have feature & release information How should it work? If Id...
Guest about 1 year ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Add a column with the date an idea had been changed to VISIBLE TO ALL

Who would benefit? It will help the management of the ideas. We now close our ideas if no votes had been done for 8 weeks. But before an idea is Visible to All it can take time (developers need to check if this is feasible). So we cannot start the...
Guest about 1 year ago in Ideas portal 3 Future consideration

Add end date to recurring to-dos

Who would benefit? anyone using recurring to-dos What impact would it make? small impact, but will reduce alerts and unnecessary admin How should it work? When setting a recurring to-do, I want to be able to set an optional end-date.
Nerissa Muijs about 1 year ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

To do lists / charts assignee reporting

When doing reports on To Dos, a common need is to evaluate how many pending, overdue, complete to-do's by assignee. However, when a todo is assigned to more than one person, the reporting creates those assignees as separate groups. Consequently, t...
Karie Kelly over 3 years ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Ability to report on Current Approval Groups

What is the challenge? Currently you cannot export or create a list report of the users in an approval group. What is the impact? Auditing capabilities of users in a workspace approval group. Describe your idea Found in Settings > Workspace >...
Manny Pannu 6 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Inline commenting on custom Note fields in Ideas

What is the challenge? Custom Note fields on Ideas do not allow inline commenting, which is limiting for our internal-only ideas workspace. This is currently possible for Roadmap objects. What is the impact? We are hoping to use custom Note fields...
Sharon Hu 6 months ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration