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When copying a feature and selecting the new release, it should show current product first

Currently if I copy a feature, in order to change to the release I have to scroll through all of my products. Most often (for me) I am copying it to add it to a release in the same product. I'd prefer it list my current product first, then the res...
Suzanne Vaughan over 10 years ago in  0 Shipped

Add History to Ideas

When multiple users have access to ideas, it'd be helpful to view the history of that idea so you can see who set the scores, or edited the idea, etc.
Guest over 10 years ago in Ideas 1 Shipped

Associate a bug with a specific feature without having to associate from the feature

A bug is very often created in association with a particular feature, as it's going through testing. It would be great if you could associate a bug with a particular feature at the point in creation, rather than having to then go and find the feat...
Guest over 10 years ago in Features 0 Shipped

Add API to log time

We track our dev in a another home-grown system, and would like to update features with ‘actual’ time so we can track how well we estimate features.
Chris Waters over 10 years ago in  0 Shipped

Multi Column Product Comparison

When doing product comparisons of competitors products, I have to create a comparison between featuresets, something like this: At first, I would really just like to be able to repre...
Guest over 10 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped

When adding a new idea, the product should default to last one selected

When I'm adding multiple ideas using the "add idea" functionality, I need to re-select my product each time. It would be great if it would default to the product I last chose for my last idea. This would really speed up my workflow.
Guest over 10 years ago in Ideas 4 Shipped

Add "Created by" for requirements

Today I can't see who created the requirements easily in the feature detail view. How would one know who to ask -- yes, you can comment, but it would be nice to know who created the requirement.
Suzanne Vaughan over 10 years ago in  0 Shipped

deleting a feature from board takes you to details screen

Hi - currently, when you are in the "Features -> Board" section, and you delete a feature using its "Action -> Delete" button, you go to the "Features -> Details" section. I would prefer to stay in the Board section. Why do you make this ...
Suzanne Vaughan over 10 years ago in  0 Shipped

Add option to save Notebook to image file - preferably png

we still need to do presentations to management/execs and an image file would be easier to work with for placing in other documents
Aldon C over 10 years ago in  0 Shipped

Be able to change to colour icon associated with each initiative

It seems to select a colour at random and that colour is often one already used so its hard to tell them apart
Guest over 10 years ago in Strategy 0 Shipped