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Showing 1615

Ability to scale notebooks for use in iframes

My company would like to be able to show the roadmap in an iframe on our company intranet homepage, which is Confluence, in a way that will automatically update when the roadmap is updated. Unfortunately, we only have a small space available and t...
Guest over 6 years ago in Presentations 1 Already exists

Issue while copy and paste in Description of feature

If the user copies some content, then pastes in the description, market/user problem or need, and Impact to customer/user section, it has pasted multiple times and the user cannot edit this properly.The copied content should be pasted properly and...
Guest over 1 year ago in Features 1 Already exists

Can not link existing documents to TODO

Is there a way to link existing documents ( whiteboards, png ) to TODO ?
Anagha Joshi over 1 year ago in To-dos 0 Already exists

Push new customer ideas in to Slack

I want to be notified, in fact I want my whole team to be across new Ideas as they come in from customers, in a slack channel. Currently I can only subscribe to logged in user events for slack notifications, anonymous users who log the ideas do ...
Guest almost 8 years ago in Slack 1 Already exists

Allow renaming of labels in Initiatiatives and other sections

It will be good to have the ability to rename field labels in Initiatives and other sections. For Example we want to rename "To Dos" to "Path to Green" but can rename it in the section.
Guest almost 8 years ago in To-dos 2 Already exists

Demote feature to idea

Idea portal and promoting an idea to a feature is great great great thing ... however, there are times when features sit in the parking lot long enough and don't move forward and I would then like to demote the feature back to an idea to see if an...
Guest about 9 years ago in Ideas portal 1 Already exists

Ability to add integration links (Visual Studio) to Aha Features

Quite often we have existing User Stories (Features) in Visual Studio, that I then want to manage within Aha. I cannot appear do this without the feature being first created in Aha and then sync'd with VSO. Ideally we would have everything origin...
David Cordner almost 8 years ago in Integrations 0 Already exists

Backup/Archive all data in Aha

Currently, there is no way to download all of our Aha! data in bulk. we an only download all the data for each record type is via the List report under Roadmaps. We can create a list of all records of a specific type (including personas and compet...
Guest over 1 year ago in Account settings 0 Already exists

Please include folder structure in notes section under develop

Please include folder option on the notes section under develop. This will help to organize the notes based on category. Also, would provide a structure when accessing them at a later time.
Rebeka Sultana over 2 years ago in Notes 0 Already exists

Build a report of merged ideas

When an idea A is merged with idea B, idea A disappears from the list views and reporting. This is generally a good thing because the merged ideas will not get counted, since they are now part of another idea (this is the only one that should be c...
Chris Waters over 9 years ago in  5 Already exists