We would like to be able do our own troubleshooting as needed and periodically check to see if there are any issues with the in-app widgets. Please show an error to the user instead of failing silently. Also provide error logs for the widgets simi...
Kelly Sebes
5 months ago
Future consideration
A method to effectively control and manage API access in Aha!
Who would benefit? Aha! administrators What impact would it make? It would help track the API usage across the instance. For example, if someone is generating heavy traffic by creating thousands of Aha features per minute, we as admins need a meth...
Alok Dath
11 months ago
in API
Future consideration
What is the challenge? A clear collaborative template to use with a customer to manage a project together. What is the impact? Important for the customer and internal colleagues Describe your idea Working with a collaborator and having a structure...
3 months ago
in Knowledge base
Future consideration
Allow to hide workspace name from the Strategy Roadmap
What is the challenge? workspace names + initiative name take 1/3 of the screen What is the impact? poor visibility, the screen is too busy Describe your idea under "customize view" allow to deselect "workspace" so it it not visible on the roadmap...
Andrey Alferov
3 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Allow Portfolio Initiatives that use 'Work Requests' in other products that are accepted as ideas, which are then promoted to initiatives in the product to have the ability to automatically connect back with a 'dependency of' relationship to the Portfolio Initiative
What is the challenge? Use Case/Scenario: We have a business problem where Aha Products are receiving both Ideas and Work requests and need to prioritize the potential resulting work effort. Business Problem we are trying to solve: When a Aha Prod...
Mike Jacobson
3 months ago
in Dependencies
Future consideration
Adjust the thickness of a bar on the gantt chart based on its capacity
It would be useful to adjust the thickness of the bars on the chart depending on the amount of resources we are allocating to that project. For example, the horizontal length of a bar on the chart is determined by the duration/time of the project,...
3 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Ability to apply Advanced suite options to select users.
What is the challenge? The Advanced suite of options Aha provides are enticing but not all of our licensed users would benefit from or use the advanced functionality. This alone make the cost to upgrade any of the advanced options extremely challe...
Heidi Sorensen
5 months ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
What is the challenge? I'd like to bring a model and positioning exactly as they appear in those respective locations into a dashboard similar to how they can be brought into a presentation. What is the impact? Keeping the model at the forefront o...
Gary Goz
5 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Who would benefit? End users accessing Ideas Portal. Customers showing only relevant ideas to end users. What impact would it make? It makes the users accessing the Ideas portal with ease. How should it work? Problem: we have 20+ products and the ...
Raghuraman Rajendran
about 1 year ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration