When I add a filter for To-Do status it defaults to either complete due or pending. It does not let me select all. I'd like to limit features to pending To-Dos without having to add/remove this filter each time.
almost 4 years ago
Future consideration
Ability to filter Master Features based on their release month and/or Product while choosing them to associate with a Feature
When adding a feature to the product backlog, we want to add the Master Feature/Epic under which the feature will be associated. When choosing the Master Feature/Epic, there are multiple problems a. It shows a list of master features across other ...
Amol Naik
almost 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Prompt users for their email address in the idea submission widget
My web application doesn't require a login so I'm not able to pass the userID of email through the submission widget. I'd like to be able to prompt the user for their email address in the submission form and pass those details through the widget.
Erin Ward
almost 4 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Advanced estimates for teams allow the breakdown of effort over time which is useful to spread planned worked over time in case of such tasks as support functions. Can this feature also be enabled for capacity planning for individuals?
Jared Gummig
almost 4 years ago
in Schedules
Future consideration
The features list is very useful for bulk edits but it was hard to find - it was disabled by default. I recommend that the feature list be more readily available for everyone.
almost 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
We use integrations to calculate the 'Feature % Complete' which updates the ‘Progress Bar’ automatically but we have to select the progress to be set to 'Manual'. We want to update the visualize progress on a roadmap selections by adding the ‘Prog...
Mike Jacobson
almost 4 years ago
in Rally
Future consideration
Allow drag and drop columns in Initiatives Workflow View rather than have the columns sorted by date
It would be great to be able to move the columns around so this can be exported and used in external reports or presentations. Currently having the view automatically ordered by date is not great and does not offer a great amount of flexibility fo...
Mike Squires
almost 4 years ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Specify default values for custom fields on an ideas form based on the URL.
We have a requirement to allow some users to click on a link to an ideas form (within a submit only portal) which pre-populates certain custom field values. The reason for this is to make the user experience better instead of needing them to selec...
Dave Tucker
almost 4 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration