I woud like to create an initiative that occurs on a recurring basis every year. The different between each initiative may be the FY, Scope, Assigned To, etc. The existing copy feature allows me to create an additional version of the initaitve and...
about 2 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Enhanced functionality during Idea submission for Private Idea Portal
Add a custom field to an Idea submission form to allow the submitter to choose 1 or more stakeholders from the company user list, atleast for Private Portals used internally within the company Allow "@ mention" to be used as an option in the Idea ...
Sreeni Checka
about 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Request 'Requirement Estimate' to be added to CSV Import
We would like to import the 'Requirement Estimate' as part of a CSV File upload. Requirement Estimate is a field that is mapped between the Aha! to Jira integration, so why not allow this standard out of the box Aha! field to be included in the CS...
about 6 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Create links to pages in presentations not tied to page numbers
I maintain a presentation for our project that has around 20 pages. Many people save links to specific pages that they are interested in. These links include "?page=X" in them, so it is really just a page number bookmarked within the p...
Dan Eisenhut
about 6 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Feature Email update notification to include link direct to Jira record
From a time saving point of view it would be really handy to include the Jira link in the email notification that comes when an item is updated. This field/link already exists within the feature itself so should be easy enough to add in to the ema...
Scott C
about 6 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Keep the side drawer open when reloading a page or navigating back.
The drawer is often the main content you are interacting with on a page. I'd like to see the drawer become part of my browsers navigation state and history. Ideally, you could refresh a page with a drawer open and it would be stay open. You could ...
Jordon Biondo
about 4 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
We store status updates in a custom table on the Activity record. When retrieving status reports for reporting we need the 'latest report'; if we use a date range we retrieve multiple records for some activities.
Chris Brooks
about 4 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
Do not allow the reviewer to change the workspace for ideas created within Aha
Reviewers can Create and edit ideas from within Aha!, this is fine but they have the capability of changing workspaces. This is not ideal when you want to manage the funnel and pass all ideas in one workspace before promoting / rejecting. When cre...
about 4 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Enable the ability to visually show a release within an initiative
Enable the ability to visually show a release within an initiative like you can do with features on the starter roadmap. Would make the use of the starter roadmap much easier to add that visual component to separate different releases based on to ...
Daniel S
about 4 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
I imported our data into the AHA trial. Then I organized my initiatives into a product hierarchy. Then I realized that my start and end dates were in the wrong format. Start date of 4/1/2019 went into AHA as start date of 1/4/2019. My fault. Howev...
about 6 years ago
in Application
Future consideration