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Capacity planning

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Capacity Planning view and filter

Capacity Planning - we need the ability to view and filter allocations by day/week/month/quarter.
Melody Gibson over 2 years ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Capacity for teams: API support for team schedules

Ability to create and update schedules via the API. This would allow us to automate team availability (user's PTO or maternity/paternity) and easily update company holidays.
Nathaniel Collum almost 5 years ago in Account settings / Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Ability to sort capacity planning report

As a Product Owner, I would like to be able to sort the capacity planning report by team name so that I can quickly find the team I'm looking for in a long list.
Guest over 1 year ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Lock status of parking lot items

It would be helpful to be able to lock the status of items within the parking lot to ensure agile capacity planning for team. This would align any items on the active board to the correct planning stage, and eliminate room for error within the par...
Annika Hudson over 3 years ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Jira: import both time estimates and story points into Aha estimate field

We have multiple teams using Aha within a workspace. Some of these teams use Story points, other use time based estimates. While we can set the estimate type used per release within one workspace, we can't import story points into the Original Est...
Ate Fokkinga over 3 years ago in Capacity planning 1 Future consideration

Preserve estimates when converting a feature to an initiative

When you convert a feature to an initiative, you see some warnings about field data that will be lost. One of these is "Estimates" with a warning that "Estimates do not exist on initiatives" which is not accurate. If you proceed with conversion, t...
Maria Plotkina 7 months ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Generate automatic recommendations of how to resolve team capacity planning conflicts

The capacity report can identify where and when there are capacity issues, but it is up to the user to find solutions; if Aha! could also recommend options for how to resolve the issues (move people, hire people, move dates), it would add more val...
Guest 7 months ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Make it easier to change CP4T planning scenarios from the capacity report

When a capacity conflict has been identified, it is cumbersome to go back and edit team capacity or move records' dates to try and resolve them. If there was a way to do this while staying on the capacity report page, it would make the process smo...
Guest 7 months ago in Capacity planning 1 Future consideration

Use field comparisons to trigger automation rules

For example, when the Detailed estimate field changes to a value that is higher than the Initial estimate field, assign a to-do for someone to review.
Guest 7 months ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Display named range value on Overview tab "Initial estimate" field

Who would benefit? Teams using capacity planning for teams, planning with named ranges (e.g. t-shirt sizes) What impact would it make? Currently, the "Initial estimate" field includes the resulting time-based estimate, but not the range I've selec...
Reilly O'Connor about 1 year ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration