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My ideas: Empathy sessions

Showing 28

@mention during Empathy sessions

During Empathy sessions, we should be able to @ mention any person who attended or signed up, regardless if they are in attendance
Daniel Lynch over 1 year ago in Empathy sessions 0 Future consideration

Pre-populate questions in session

As a moderator of an empathy session, I would like to be able to pre-populate a list of questions so that when the session is started, each question can be quickly added to the discussion at the right time without needing to copy/paste.
Bonnie Trei over 3 years ago in Empathy sessions 0 Future consideration

Ability to integrate Empathy Sessions into existing customer community portals

When there is an existing and active customer community it can be the best location to engage the customers who would be great participants in an empathy session. Rather than sending a separate invite for them to attend an empathy session somewher...
Bonnie Trei over 3 years ago in Empathy sessions 0 Future consideration

Ability to move comments in an Empathy Session

Want the ability to move comments that may not have been put within the correct thread by the participant.
Bonnie Trei over 3 years ago in Empathy sessions 0 Future consideration

Highlight question during an empathy session

Similar to how a Poll is boxed to highlight it a Question should be boxed or highlighted so that it is obvious and replies to that question sit under so people are encouraged to reply to a specific question that those running the session want to g...
Daniel Lynch over 1 year ago in Empathy sessions 0 Future consideration

Include proxy votes in imported participants in empathy sessions

When inviting customers to participate in an empathy session, contacts from proxy votes should be included.
Shannon Sauvé over 4 years ago in Empathy sessions 0 Future consideration

Add option to anonymize users in empathy sessions

It would be helpful to have an option to hide names in an empathy session in order to protect sensitive information shared by participants.
Guest over 3 years ago in Empathy sessions 0 Future consideration

Sharing Screenshots/Pasted Images in Empathy Sessions

Similar to APP-I-4143 we really need something more efficient within the empathy sessions to either take a screenshot or paste a copied image and add it as an attachment.
Joe Galanti over 3 years ago in Empathy sessions 0 Future consideration

Be able to send a custom reminder email during an Empathy Session

An Empathy Session can be a week long. And our users get wrapped up in their day to day and it is easy to forget about the session. I have been manually creating google labels for group emails to remind them a couple of times during the week. "Tha...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Empathy sessions 0 Future consideration

Distribution list for empathy sessions

We have segmented client groups that consist of about 15 client representatives in each group. We have a process where we always review ideas with the members within that group. When scheduling an empathy session, it won't be applicable for us to ...
Mark Eaves almost 4 years ago in Empathy sessions / Ideas research 0 Future consideration