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The History for linking and unlinking features to master features.

We need a way of identifying any scope creep by viewing the history of a master feature to see if any new features have been linked to it. This functionality is available at a feature level as you can see all requirements that are linked to it.
Guest over 6 years ago in Epics 0 Already exists

Limit Custom Fields Linked to Records Using Criteria

Ask : When creating a custom field related to a record (ex. Custom field showing all Epics from all other workspaces), I need a way to display only records that meet some criteria. Example of criteria would be: The records in a specific product li...
Mousa Mitwasi over 4 years ago in Epics 0 Future consideration

Filtering master features on feature roadmap

Under Reports / Roadmap / Features in customize view we select "show master features" as we want to show both master features and features we can add filter on feature tags : this works fine but if we add filter on master tags for e.g. : it isn't...
Agnes Muller over 6 years ago in Epics 0 Unlikely to implement

Customize capacity to round to more granular levels

Hours is a fairly ridiculous estimation metric for a large project being planned for several months hence and requires a lot of cognition to reason about. Yes, we can do math and convert, but the UI shows hours in many places and when it shows day...
Guest over 4 years ago in Capacity planning / Epics 1 Future consideration

Ability to create epic/feature templates

In complex software development we often have features that require the coordination of changes across multiple software products. In these cases we create an Epic to represent the overall capability we wish to deliver, and place related features ...
Andrew Foster over 2 years ago in Epics 2 Future consideration

Mark Epics as Achieved when all linked Features are Shipped

I always manually mark an epic as Achieved after I ship all dependent features, if I could choose to automate this it would save that step. Similarly, if all features in a release are shipped, I'd want to automatically have the release marked as s...
Guest over 4 years ago in Epics 0 Future consideration

Shared epics in an initiative?

Assign an epic to two initiatives. We can have a piece of work, e.g. update master data, that can contribute to more than 1 initiative. I tested it out and if you add an epic from another initiative, it moves it rather than adds it
Guest over 2 years ago in Epics 0 Future consideration

Allow to set custom card layouts on a per role basis

Different roles need different details to be visible at a glance. Managers need more details than viewers. Allowing different default customized layouts per role would be helpful to keep cards as clean and focused as possible for viewers while bei...
Guest over 2 years ago in Epics 0 Future consideration

Move/Transfer Epic from One Product Workspace to Another Workspace

I understand how to move/transfer features between releases, but I would like to be able to transfer epics (or master features) from one workspace to another. Ex. If you have product workspaces ABC & XYZ, I would like to move epic XYZ-E-1 to A...
Alicia Cyrus almost 5 years ago in Epics 3 Already exists

rank order for workflow columns

as a product owner, i need to know what card is highest priority in the under consideration column (at least) in order to pick the most important card up for analysis unlike right now, there is a random order applied that does not correlate to any...
Guest over 2 years ago in Epics 0 Future consideration