A small annoyance. We use feature cards for stories and have long titles like "As a _, I need to do _, so I can _ ." The titles are hard to edit because the text field is a single line. The long line can't be seen all at once - I am forced to move...
Andrew Vit
over 4 years ago
Future consideration
Do Not Left Adjust Releases on Feature Roadmap presentation View
When displaying and sharing out the presentation view of my feature roadmap, do not left-adjust all releases on this view. Current Behavior Example: Currently have next 6 releases planned out Only want to publicly share the next 3 releases Only sh...
Automatically set feature dates in a phase based on estimates and dependencies
When features all have estimates and dependencies and are assigned to phases, I’d like to be able to say “begin as soon as possible” and have all feature start dates be updated automatically within a phase, based on those estimates and dependencies.
Chris Waters
over 9 years ago
in Dependencies
Unlikely to implement
I would like to rename the default Start on and Due on fields to something else ie Campaign Start Date and Go Live Date. These default names can be too vague a description for some of our marketing activities.
about 7 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
I really appreciate the ability to bulk update proxy organizations, but it is unfortunate that I have to then add the business team that is working with the account manually. I would like faster ways to get 5+ users associated with an account atta...
Yancey Larochelle-Williams
over 4 years ago
in Voting
Future consideration