When cloning, please provide ability to clear values in custom fields before saving in Domain Epics/Epics
What is the challenge? User clone records, without cleaning the existing data that is not applicable for the new record. What is the impact? Data consistency and re-work Describe your idea Have an option, when cloning to reset all the other attrib...
Edgar Holguin
3 months ago
in Epic
Future consideration
Often settings like layouts, terminology, and navigation for parent lines may be purposefully different than workspaces. It would be helpful to drive standards for lines by allowing templates to be applied at those hierarchy levels. A few examples...
Jeanette Resnikoff
over 2 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Make admin access multi-level by organization/product line
We have multiple organizations/Business Units/Groups with their own product line in the hierarchy. We would like to be able to make them admin of just that area so that they can make the customizations they need without negatively impacting produc...
Marina Reyna
over 6 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
It is possible to create a new whiteboard on the fly in an Aha! records, but there are times when I have already created a whiteboard I'd like to embed in a record. I can link it as a related item, but I cannot embed it directly. It would be great...
Maria Plotkina
over 1 year ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
What is the challenge? The Jira integration does not currently support the table markdown syntax What is the impact? The result is a formatting issues when a record including a table within the description is synced to Aha! via the integration Des...
Terri Salie
3 months ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Schedule when a document will be published to a KB
What is the challenge? You need to manually publish Knowledge base updates. What is the impact? If you are planning a release or something similar you may want to publish the updates to go out automatically. Describe your idea Add ability to sched...
Chris Quigley
8 months ago
in Knowledge base
Future consideration
When linking ideas to a Feature, show more than the link ID.
What is the challenge? I want to create my concepts in Documents in Aha! Because making them directly against a feature/capability reduces my ability to share and collaborate. But, when I do create in Documents and then link as a Research Concept,...
about 2 months ago
in Ideas research
Already exists
Prevent epic and feature due dates being overwritten on creation by child records
Currently, if a user has set their epics or features to inherit dates from their children then when creating an epic or feature the due date is ignored and replaced with the date of the child records or is forced to be blank if no child records ex...
Biplab Panda
about 2 months ago
in Epic
Future consideration
Initiative details page > Add the ability to sort initiatives by score
What is the challenge? The features board makes it possible to re-rank features by several fields. This view drives the details view order as well. We need this same capability for initiatives. What is the impact? We use initiatives prioritization...
Nathaniel Collum
about 2 months ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Option to suppress a note's title from Knowledge page
What is the challenge? When publishing a knowledge base, some published notes designs may include the page's title. Currently, the title of the note is always displayed when displaying the note resulting in duplication. What is the impact? Duplica...
Steve C
about 2 months ago
in Knowledge base
Future consideration