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Field "Release date (external)" formatting not applied on charts

When setting specific formatting for the "Release date (external)" field, formatting isn't maintained. 1. Set the formatting for "Release date (external)" as follows: 2. Create a release bar chart that uses "Release date (external)" field 3. Notic...
Moustafa Aly about 2 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Granular Activity History for Reviewers+Viewers

Throughout the Aha! UI, Activity History is available at various levels of granularity by choosing History on the Action menu. However, this capability is only available to Contributors+Product Owners. Overall Activity is available to all via the ...
Zach Rose over 8 years ago in Application 1 Unlikely to implement

No Score Indicator

I need a way to distinguish between ideas that have not been scored and those with 0 score. Today the system automatically defaults to 0 (instead of blank) and I'm not sure whether the calculated score is 0 or if the idea was scored at all.
Melissa Johnson over 8 years ago in Ideas 2 Will not implement

Ability to adjust the layout of labels in charts

Very often, when I try to create a chart with my data, I have many group labels which go one on top of another - leading to a mess. I would like to be able to manually adjust these labels.
Alexander Zakharov about 3 years ago in Reports 3 Future consideration

Description Template for Requirements and Features

in effort to promote best practices with feature and requirement writing, it would be helpful to configure a template for descriptions. As we onboard new Product Managers, and centralize our product management practices, we are looking to improve ...
Josh Wayne about 3 years ago in Features 2 Already exists

Order features by priority

Who would benefit? Features board users What impact would it make? Keep high priority items at top of features list and top of mind. How should it work? There are many options for ranking features but surprisingly this does not include priority. I...
Paul Wade about 1 year ago in Features 2 Future consideration

Ability to create a folder structure within the Roadmaps > Overview folders (i.e. add a hierarchy of children folders to the top level folders) so that I can better organize my reports.

Who would benefit? Individual product teams, cross-funtional teams looking across workspaces. What impact would it make? Users could easily find the report they are looking for. How should it work? The folder structure should mimic Box or Dropbox ...
Guest about 1 year ago in Reports 1 Already exists

Option to remove Comment option from "to do" items

To Do comments are buried....we would like our users to place all comments on the main feature card to eliminate confusion.
Carolee Snarr about 4 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Add release phases and milestones to Calendar report/roadmap

For this report, right now, you can only view one set of these records at one time, which is somewhat limited. We'd like to be able to show both release dates, and release phases/milestones in this calendar view.
Alena Pollitt over 7 years ago in Reports 1 Unlikely to implement

Custom Field Import Template for Bulk Import Template

Can you please create a bulk import template that shows the way data will look with each possible custom field format? For example, if I'm asking my users to submit a date I'd expect the top row to be custom_field[api_date]. The second row would b...
Guest over 7 years ago in Reports 1 Will not implement