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Pivot table cell line break

When putting together a pivot table, it would be helpful to allow a line break (and/or other formatting) between data elements to prevent all the disparate data from running together. Would increase readability.
Dean S about 3 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Enable Dashboard Filtering by Assigned User

I am looking to create Tactical Dashboards for users - where they can have panels that represent their work queues for assigned To-Do's, Features, Releases, Initiatives. etc. I want to be able to filter to the user and have all panels update to th...
Jamie Lefkovics about 3 years ago in My work 2 Future consideration

Visualize dependencies on story map

I would like to propose visualization of dependencies between features and also between master features on a story map. We have technological enablers that are part of master features and we would like to show dependencies intra and in between the...
Daniel Pokrývka over 5 years ago in Features 1 Future consideration

Add Product Name to JIRA Integration

The Product Name contains an import department work categorization that we would already use to filter reports in Aha and would like to be able to do the same in JIRA. There is a similar request to have Product Name in the Slack integration. I won...
Wen-Wen Lin over 5 years ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Set default for presentation export

Increasingly we're wanting to export standard presentations across our enterprise.Each time someone does this they have to go in and configure some setting around footers and enhanced security as shown in attachment... We'd like it if we could set...
Nigel Lawrence over 1 year ago in Presentations 0 Future consideration

Edit and create new notes in the mobile app

I'm on the go and would like to take notes in the mobile app
Guest over 6 years ago in Mobile 2 Future consideration

Add Burndown Charts that show multiple releases

I was wondering if there is a way to configure a burndown chart that includes multiple releases. In this case the Y axis would represent the total amount of effort required to deliver all our releases. The x axis would be time (probably months or ...
Guest over 5 years ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Ability to update a file attachment of a feature and update in the linked record of JIRA as well

Hi - We have Aha! - Jira integration where our features are mapped to JIRA stories. Features also have several file attachments which get propagated to JIRA stories. However, our Product Managers need to update the file attachments. Currently ther...
Michael Zadda about 7 years ago in Jira 1 Future consideration

Automation rules support for "no value" (or "empty")

I'd like to see an option for an automation trigger that is based on "no value" (or "empty") for a field value. Practically, this would allow me to create an automation so an email is sent if a feature is created/updated to have no epic.
David I. over 2 years ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Add an advanced feature to score Ideas and Epics

In: Account > Aha! scorecards > Add scorecard It would be really helpful to be able to score based off of the attached Value Complexity Matrix. Not sure how to do this, but I'm willing to brainstorm through the Idea.
Lionel Aguilar about 3 years ago in Ideas 5 Already exists