Persistent filters for integrations and incoming product updates
Using JIRA integrations, I have an Aha product that spans several JIRA projects. To work with this I have set up an integration per project with a specified JQL filter. For example my filter could include "priority = high". Other products througho...
about 6 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Option to move feature / epics end dates automatically with Release date
Currently end dates for features have to be moved individually, when a planned date for a Release is shifted. While this may be useful as a default, it would be really helpful at the stage of high level planning. A checkbox, like for moving featur...
almost 4 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Ability to add comments to the link records or the reason for dependency.
What is the challenge? Not able to comment to why a particular linked components are dependent of other one. What is the impact? For certain dependency to be created there are some additional comments required hence we are looking for a comment to...
Please provide a self-service individual performance dashboard for my Aha! account
While the page is helpful for widespread performance information, I'd like an individual dashboard specific to my account where I can see visibility into the performance on my Aha! account. I'd like to see this on a user by user basi...
Erin Ward
over 1 year ago
Future consideration
Allow transparent backgrounds on reports added to presentation slides
Some of the charts (e.g. Pies) have a ton of white space around them. When placing multiple charts on a single slide space is precious and we're forced with either making charts super small or having them to overlap each other. With 2 or 3 charts ...
Alex B
over 4 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Set the TFS Iteration and Area path per feature or requirement
Having a single area path for the entire product doesn't make sense. This value will usually depend on the feature, as area paths define the area of code impacted by a work item. This helps with evaluating code churn and test coverage. It needs to...
Jonathon Leeke
over 9 years ago
in Integrations
Already exists
As a Product Owner, I need a Strategy Roadmap that shows Initiatives in the Gantt Chart with linked Features beneath each Initiative in the Chart, so I can see where each feature fits within the duration of each Initiative
Each Initiative has features linked to it. As I present the features that we have planned for each initiative I need to be able to show that the feature work will fit within the planned initiative timeframe. Also, when I describe each initiative, ...
Randon Morford
about 7 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
Provide the ability to set default filters on the integration updates Feature.
I have Product Owner access in multiple products to assist with managing the layouts and set up of the products in Aha, but I do not want to worry about accidentally ...
about 7 years ago
in Integrations
Future consideration
On the custom roadmap, move text on top of bar instead of left when it doesn't fit so I can see all my fields
When the text in a bar becomes too long to fit on the right, the text moves it to the left. When the text is on the left, I cannot see my highest priority field because it gets cut off by the roadmap. I would like the text to move on top of the ba...
Chrissi McNamara
over 1 year ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
When we try to link an existing idea to a new or existing feature, it would be nice if the link box would continue to narrow options as you typed the idea index, and not say "no match found". Similarly, it would be nice to be able to use the idea ...
Mary Vanausdale
over 1 year ago
in Ideas
Future consideration