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Created by Jonathon Leeke
Created on Oct 8, 2015

Set the TFS Iteration and Area path per feature or requirement

Having a single area path for the entire product doesn't make sense.  This value will usually depend on the feature, as area paths define the area of code impacted by a work item.  This helps with evaluating code churn and test coverage.  It needs to be defined per-feature (and per-story).

The iteration path is akin to a sprint, but could also be broken out by other factors.  If Aha sets a feature to the default iteration path, and your team in TFS isn't configured to view that iteration, then the team will never see the work item you created and sync'd over.  I'd suggest having iteration path defined on the feature or story, but have it default in a value based on the Release in which it was created.

    Apr 2, 2016

    This can be achieved by setting up multiple TFS integrations for your product.

    Through settings, you can set up multiple integrations. For each feature, it is possible to select which TFS iteration you would like to send the Aha! feature to.

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    • Tom Gimpel
      Nov 17, 2017

      That's really NOT a good workaround. We have 146 area paths in our product. Needs to be on the item level. 

    • Guest
      May 12, 2017

      If each team is assigned to an area path, do I need to create an integration point for each team, if I want the option to send a feature to any area path in TFS? 

    • cheryl fetchko
      Apr 22, 2016

      Thank you!  It wasn't obvious that the Integration name could be changed.  That's perfect!

    • Ron Yang
      Apr 22, 2016

      Thank you for the note, we will take a closer look at the instructions.

      In regards to naming integrations, you can do so by clicking the text at the top of the page (as shown through the attached screenshot)

    • cheryl fetchko
      Apr 22, 2016

      The integration instructions state:

      • One Aha! product is associated with one TFS project.
      • A feature can be sent to the TFS server using the Send to Team Foundation Server item in the Action menu on the features page.

      So as Jonathan says below, this should be updated.  Additionally, if I setup multiple integration, when I want to send a Feature to TFS, how do I choose a specific one?  There is no way to name the TFS integrations.

    • Jonathon Leeke
      Apr 4, 2016

      Great, I didn't realize you could create multiple integrations per product.  You may want to call that out in the Instructions section of the integration or in your blog posts or release announcements on this feature.

    3 MERGED

    TFS integration - when creating a feature be able to set the tfs area.

    TFS integration - when creating a feature be able to set the tfs area. Currently you can only map one tfs area to a single feature.
    Guest almost 8 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 3 Already exists
    6 MERGED

    Support different Teams in the TFS integration

    We have several development teams on our product, and each has their Team defined under a single TFS Project. It looks like the current TFS integration can only push features to the default team (which is associated with the Project itself). Each ...
    Jonathon Leeke over 9 years ago in Integrations 3 Already exists