Apply filters to the Milestone Chart View and keep milestones off the chart until explicitly charted
We have a long list of master features for our product line that need to be prioritized at that level. It would be helpful to do it iteratively, and one way to do that is with filters that allow us to focus just on the master features associated w...
over 5 years ago
in Epic
Unlikely to implement
I want to be able to define which mathematical formula I want to use on a cell in a pivot table. Some cells I may want to add other I may want to do an average.
about 7 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
When users are trying to filter on Features and Master Features associated with a particular master release, they must ensure the Product w/ the Master Release is selected AND they must choose the master release only by name from a long list of Re...
over 5 years ago
in Releases
Unlikely to implement
Challenge When planning and creating a new product release or marketing schedule, we may not know the due date yet. However, we do know when we'd like to start. Desired experience When creating a release (new or copy), option to set either the sta...
Julie Price
over 5 years ago
in Releases / Schedules
Unlikely to implement
Make the new Time Frames feature actually know about Time
The new Time Frames feature allows us to tag goals and initiatives with specific timeframes. These timeframes are user-defined rather than system-defined, but the examples are fairly common and are shown to work across several temporal scopes: qua...
about 9 years ago
in Strategy
Unlikely to implement
Shift-Enter Keyboard Shortcut from Requirement Description field starts a new Requirement
As a product manager trying to achieve flow despite my ADHD, I need to be able to keep my hands on the keyboard when cranking out my GWTs so that I can work fast and not get distracted. Given that a user is creating a new Requirement when the user...
over 3 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
Releases -> Roadmap view - Make it easier to expand a release or phases within a release into the future
With the current design and use of the slider bars for zooming in to specific time periods, it has become quite difficult if you need to expand a release or phases within a release to the right beyond what is currently displayed on the screen.
Matt Case
about 9 years ago
in Roadmaps
Unlikely to implement
Add Master Features to the Releases tab of a Starter Roadmap
On the Release Tab, there is no way to add a Master Feature. The drop down on the Releases that show what Features are included in that Release provides a nice hierarchical view. The issue is if my product is using Master Features which are the 'b...
over 5 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
View Product sales performance reports (data from Salesforce) through Aha!
Evaluating current product performance is a critical part of product planning and management. I want our product managers to be able to view salesforce style dashboards through Aha! based on data from salesforce reports.
about 9 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement